Donate to BZPC

Offerings by the Bluestone Zen Practice Community are provided completely by volunteers. We rely on donations of time and money to maintain the space for our zendo and to keep our programs running.

Although at this time we are not a recognized 501(c)3 organization, we are working towards this goal. Please know, however, that your donations – though not currently tax deductible – are used only for BZPC programming purposes. Examples of what donations are used for include:

– Accommodations and fees for visiting teachers
– Food and supplies for retreats or discussion groups
– Replacing zendo equipment and supplies (candles, matches, etc.)
– Replacing/repairing cushions and meditation tools
– Costs associated with advertising and our online presence (website development, hosting, domain registration)

BZPC volunteers do not receive funds received from donations as payment for their generous time and efforts.

Donations, in any amount, through Paypal or dropped in the basket at the zendo, will always be received with gratitude.