What’s New at BZPC?

Steve Hagen – June 14th & 15th

BZPC is honored to welcome Steve Hagen of Dharma Field Zen Meditation Center back to Duluth on June 14th and 15th. 

Steve will give a public Dharma talk on June 14th, at 7:00PM at the Universalist Unitarian Church in Duluth.  Then, on Saturday, June 15th, Steve will join us for our regular Saturday zazen and give a Dharma talk at 8:30AM. Tea and discussion will follow the talk.

For more information click HERE.

April Student Talk : Chris Modec-Halverson

Please join us on Saturday, April 6th for the second in our series of Dharma talks given by our members and facilitators. 

This talk will be given by BZPC member, Chris Modec-Halverson.  Chris began practicing Zen in the late 90’s. He joined BZPC in 2008, and has been a member of the Minnesota Zen Meditation Center since 2018. He received lay ordination from Tim Burkett in 2020, and was ordained as a Zen priest in July of 2022.

Student talks will follow zazen at 8:30AM. Tea and snacks will be provided.

Spring Equinox Ceremony: March 16th

The arrival of Spring can be experienced by welcoming the rebirth of the natural world around us as well as a celebration of the ancestors, family, and friends who have passed to the other shore.

As Spring awakens, we can also renew our determination to help all beings, including ourselves, to awaken.

In honor of the Spring Equinox we will clean the altar, offer fresh flowers, and chant the Heart Sutra before zazen on Saturday, March 16th at 6:30AM. Participants are encouraged to bring offerings to place on the altar for those they wish to honor and celebrate. Poems, songs, or brief remembrances are also welcome!

Please join us!

Wednesday Evenings Resume March 6th

Beginning March 6th, we will resume offering zazen instruction and zazen on Wednesday evenings. Traditionally, we have also included time after zazen for an informal tea gathering to help build and foster our growing community (sangha). Zazen instruction will begin at 6:00pm, followed by zazen from 6:30 – 7:05pm. Please join us!

March Student Talk : Rick Palm

Please join us on Saturday, March 9th for the first of what we hope to be an ongoing series of Dharma talks given by our members and facilitators. 

Our first talk will be given by longtime practitioner and BZPC member, Rick Palm.  Rick began practicing Zen meditation in the 1990’s. He became an active member of BZPC as well as the Dharma Field Zen Meditation and Learning Center in Minneapolis in 2007, and received lay ordination from Steve Hagen in 2012.

Student talks will follow zazen at 8:30AM. Tea and snacks will be provided.